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DOMDocument->registerNodeClass() -- Register extended class used to create base node type


class DOMDocument {

bool registerNodeClass ( string baseclass, string extendedclass )


This method allows you to register your own extended DOM class to be used afterward by the PHP DOM extension.

This method is not part of the DOM standard.



The DOM class that you want to extend. You can find a list of these classes in the chapter introduction.

Of course, you won't be able to register a class extending DOMDocument but you can always start your document by instanciating your own extending class.


Your extended class name. If NULL is provided, any previously registered class extending baseclass will be removed.

Zwracane wartości

Zwraca TRUE w przypadku sukcesu, FALSE w przypadku porażki.


Przykład 1. Adding a new method to DOMElement to ease our code


class myElement extends DOMElement {
appendElement($name) {
$this->appendChild(new myElement($name));

myDocument extends DOMDocument {
setRoot($name) {
$this->appendChild(new myElement($name));

$doc = new myDocument();
$doc->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', 'myElement');

// From now on, adding an element to another costs only one method call !
$root = $doc->setRoot('root');
$child = $root->appendElement('child');
$child->setAttribute('foo', 'bar');



Powyższy przykład wyświetli:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root><child foo="bar"/></root>