(PHP 4, PHP 5)
popen — Opens process file pointer
Opens a pipe to a process executed by forking the command given by command.
- command
The command
- mode
The mode
Returns a file pointer identical to that returned by fopen(), except that it is unidirectional (may only be used for reading or writing) and must be closed with pclose(). This pointer may be used with fgets(), fgetss(), and fwrite().
If an error occurs, returns FALSE.
Example#1 popen() example
$handle = popen("/bin/ls", "r");
If the command to be executed could not be found, a valid resource is returned. This may seem odd, but makes sense; it allows you to access any error message returned by the shell:
Example#2 popen() example
/* Add redirection so we can get stderr. */
$handle = popen('/path/to/spooge 2>&1', 'r');
echo "'$handle'; " . gettype($handle) . "\n";
$read = fread($handle, 2096);
echo $read;
Note: If you're looking for bi-directional support (two-way), use proc_open().
Note: Når safe mode er aktiveret, kan du kun eksekvere eksekverbare filer inden for safe_mode_exec_dir. Af praktiske årsager er det pt. ikke tilladet at have .. komponenter i stien til den eksekverbare fil.
Med safe mode aktiveret, vil alle ord efterfølgende den oprindelige kommandostreng blive behandlet som et enkelt argument. Derfor, echo y | echo x bliver echo "y | echo x".