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(4.1.0 - 4.2.3 only, PECL)

dbplus_rcreate -- Creates a new DB++ relation


resource dbplus_rcreate ( string name, mixed domlist [, bool overwrite] )

Creates a new relation. Any existing relation sharing the same name will be overwritten if the relation is currently not in use and overwrite is set to TRUE.

Seznam parametrů



A combination of domains. May be passed as a single domain name string or as an array of domain names.

This parameter should contain the domain specification for the new relation within an array of domain description strings. ( dbplus_rcreate() will also accept a string with space delimited domain description strings, but it is recommended to use an array). A domain description string consists of a domain name unique to this relation, a slash and a type specification character. See the db++ documentation, especially the dbcreate(1) manpage, for a description of available type specifiers and their meanings.

Poznámka: This function will also accept a string with space delimited domain description strings, but it is recommended to use an array


Návratové hodnoty



Tato funkce je EXPERIMENTÁLNÍ. Chování této funkce, její název a všechno ostatní, co je zde zdokumentováno, se v budoucích verzích PHP může BEZ OHLÁŠENÍ změnit. Berte to v úvahu a používejte tuto funkci na vlastní nebezpečí.