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LXXV. libxml Functions
These functions/constants are available since PHP 5.1.0 and if you have compiled one of the extensions based on libxml, like DOM, SimpleXML and XSLT.
Předdefinované třídy
code - the error's code
column - the column where the error occurred. Please note that this property isn't entirely implemented in libxml and therefore 0 is often returned.
file - the filename, or empty if the XML was loaded from a string
level - the severity of the error (one of the following constants: LIBXML_ERR_WARNING, LIBXML_ERR_ERROR or LIBXML_ERR_FATAL)
line - the line where the error occurred
message - the error message
Předdefinované konstanty
Tyto konstanty jsou definovány tímto rozšířením a budou k dispozici pouze tehdy, bylo-li rozšíření zkompilováno společně s PHP nebo dynamicky zavedeno za běhu.
- LIBXML_COMPACT (integer)
Activate small nodes allocation optimization. This may speed up your application without needing to change the code.
Poznámka: Only available in Libxml >= 2.6.21
- LIBXML_DTDATTR (integer)
Default DTD attributes
- LIBXML_DTDLOAD (integer)
Load the external subset
Validate with the DTD
Remove blank nodes
- LIBXML_NOCDATA (integer)
Merge CDATA as text nodes
Expand empty tags (e.g. <br/> to <br></br>)
Poznámka: This option is currently just available in the DOMDocument->save() and DOMDocument->saveXML() functions.
- LIBXML_NOENT (integer)
Substitute entities
- LIBXML_NOERROR (integer)
Suppress error reports
- LIBXML_NONET (integer)
Disable network access when loading documents
Suppress warning reports
Drop the XML declaration when saving a document
Poznámka: Only available in Libxml >= 2.6.21
- LIBXML_NSCLEAN (integer)
Remove redundant namespaces declarations
Implement XInclude substitution
- LIBXML_ERR_ERROR (integer)
A recoverable error
- LIBXML_ERR_FATAL (integer)
A fatal error
- LIBXML_ERR_NONE (integer)
No errors
A simple warning
- LIBXML_VERSION (integer)
libxml version like 20605 or 20617
libxml version like 2.6.5 or 2.6.17
- Obsah
- libxml_clear_errors -- Clear libxml error buffer
- libxml_get_errors -- Retrieve array of errors
- libxml_get_last_error -- Retrieve last error from libxml
- libxml_set_streams_context -- Set the streams context for the next libxml document load or write
- libxml_use_internal_errors -- Disable libxml errors and allow user to fetch error information as needed
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