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runkit Functions


The runkit extension provides means to modify constants, user-defined functions, and user-defined classes. It also provides for custom superglobal variables and embeddable sub-interpreters via sandboxing.

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This package is meant as a feature added replacement for the » classkit package. When compiled with the --enable-runkit=classkit option to ./configure, it will export classkit compatible function definitions and constants.


Denne » PECL udvidelse medfølger ikke i PHP.

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Du kan hente denne PECL udvidelse DLL fra » PHP Downloads siden eller pÃ¥ »


Modifying Constants, Functions, Classes, and Methods works with all releases of PHP 4 and PHP 5. No special requirements are necessary.

Custom Superglobals are only available in PHP 4.2.0 or later.

Sandboxing requires PHP 5.1.0 or later, or PHP 5.0.0 with a special TSRM patch applied. Regardless of which version of PHP is in use it must be compiled with the --enable-maintainer-zts option. See the README file in the runkit package for additional information.

Runtime Konfiguration

Virkemåden af disse funktioner er berørt af indstillinger i php.ini.

Runkit Configuration Options
Name Default Changeable Changelog
runkit.superglobal "" PHP_INI_PERDIR  
runkit.internal_override "0" PHP_INI_SYSTEM  
For flere detaljer og definationer af PHP_INI_* constanterne, se ini_set() dokumentation.

Her er en kort forklaring på konfigurations-direktiverne.

runkit.superglobal string
Comma-separated list of variable names to be treated as superglobals. This value should be set in the systemwide php.ini file, but may work in perdir configuration contexts depending on your SAPI.

Example#1 Custom Superglobals with runkit.superglobal=_FOO,_BAR in php.ini

function show_values() {
"Foo is $_FOO\n";
"Bar is $_BAR\n";
"Baz is $_BAZ\n";

$_FOO 'foo';
$_BAR 'bar';
$_BAZ 'baz';

/* Displays foo and bar, but not baz */

Foruddefinerede Konstanter

Konstanterne nedenunder er defineret af denne udvidelse, og vil kun være tilgængelige når denne udvidelse enten er blevet kompileret ind i PHP eller dynamisk indsat under runtime.

runkit_import() flag indicating that normal functions should be imported from the specified file.
runkit_import() flag indicating that class methods should be imported from the specified file.
runkit_import() flag indicating that class constants should be imported from the specified file. Note that this flag is only meaningful in PHP versions 5.1.0 and above.
runkit_import() flag indicating that class standard properties should be imported from the specified file.
runkit_import() flag representing a bitwise OR of the RUNKIT_IMPORT_CLASS_* constants.
runkit_import() flag indicating that if any of the imported functions, methods, constants, or properties already exist, they should be replaced with the new definitions. If this flag is not set, then any imported definitions which already exist will be discarded.
PHP 5 specific flag to runkit_method_add()
PHP 5 specific flag to runkit_method_add()
PHP 5 specific flag to runkit_method_add()
PHP 5 specific flag to classkit_method_add() Only defined when classkit compatibility is enabled.
PHP 5 specific flag to classkit_method_add() Only defined when classkit compatibility is enabled.
PHP 5 specific flag to classkit_method_add() Only defined when classkit compatibility is enabled.
PHP 5 specific flag to classkit_import() Only defined when classkit compatibility is enabled.
Defined to the current version of the runkit package.
Defined to the current version of the runkit package. Only defined when classkit compatibility is enabled.

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